We believe in one true God, existing eternally in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe the Scriptures are “God-breathed and inerrant" and are God’s authoritative word regarding all doctrines and teachings.
We believe humanity, apart from God’s grace, is helplessly severed from God (the Source of Life) because of sin and is desperately in need of a Savior.
We believe our brokenness can only be healed by a restored relationship with God—a new birth through Jesus Christ—that is offered by grace to all humanity and must be received individually by faith.
We believe the Eternal Son of God became the perfect Man—Jesus bore our sins on the cross, died in our place, resurrected forever victorious over sin and death, and shall return again as Everlasting King.
We believe all humanity will be resurrected to face judgment: all who have received Christ by faith shall enjoy eternal life, and those who have rejected Him shall remain forever separated from God and Life.