Why Plant Churches Anyway?
July 10, 2024 6:44 PM
Not long ago, I had a candid conversation with a church leader who asked me some pointed questions about why I believe planting churches is crucial. Our brief exchange led to a series of emails in which we dove deeper into specific concerns. This wasn't an isolated incident. In fact, it summed up what many pastors and church leaders feel.
Despite the clear benefits, objections to church planting abound. Critics often claim that starting new churches could divide an existing congregation, detract from ongoing ministries, or draw members away from established congregations. They question the need for more churches in neighborhoods where churches already exist and argue that our energies should be focused on enhancing current structures instead. However, understanding the broader mission and benefits of church planting can address these concerns. New churches do not have to compete with existing ones; rather, they may complement the local church and extend its mission.
There is compelling evidence suggesting that church planting is crucial in reaching the unchurched, revitalizing existing congregations, and sustaining the mission of spreading the Gospel. So, let’s tackle these objections head-on.
Most Localities Are Seriously Under-Churched
1. Calculate the total seating capacity of all churches in your area.
2. Multiply this by three to account for multiple services on a Sunday.
3. Compare the resulting figure to the total population of your locality.
You will often discover that even with three services, the existing churches cannot accommodate a significant portion of the community, underscoring the need for new churches.
Existing Churches Are Not Effectively Reaching the Lost
Research indicates that many existing churches are struggling to grow:
- 85% are plateaued or declining.
- 0% are growing primarily through biological or transfer growth.
- 5% are growing because of conversions.
This pattern is not unique to the USA; it is observed globally. New churches, however, tend to reach unchurched and lost individuals more effectively, as they do not yet have a set constituency and must actively reach out to new people.
Churches Have Life Cycles and Eventually Die
Every church, regardless of its size or influence, faces an eventual decline. Denominational leaders often spend a significant portion of their time dealing with the closure and reallocation of resources from dying churches. To sustain the Christian mission, it's crucial to plant new churches that will eventually replace those that cease to exist.
New Churches Reach Lost and Unchurched People
New churches tend to attract the unchurched and lost individuals more effectively than established churches. The reasons include:
Newcomers don't feel like they are intruding into an established group.
- They have the opportunity to be part of something new and fresh.
- There's an absence of entrenched traditions that might make them feel out of place.
- Studies have shown that younger churches are more effective at reaching new people. For instance:
- Churches that are 50 years old typically require 50 members to reach one unchurched person per year.
- Churches that are 10 years old need 7 members to reach one new person.
- Churches that are 1-year old need just 3 members to reach one new person.
They Can Target Unreached People and Populations
New churches can be strategically planted to target specific language groups, cultures, and neighborhoods that existing churches might not effectively reach. This ensures that the Gospel is accessible to various demographic groups within a locality.
They Are Unshackled by Tradition
New churches are not bound by the phrase, "We’ve never done it that way before." They are free to innovate and find new, effective outreach methods since their survival depends on it. This flexibility allows them to be more adaptive and responsive to the needs of their community.
They Revitalize Existing Churches
Mother churches benefit significantly from planting daughter churches. These benefits include:
• Renewed vision and ideas for reaching the lost.
• Fulfillment in fulfilling the Great Commission.
• Joy in pleasing the Lord.
• A legacy of continued fruitful labor.
Research Shows That Planting New Churches is the Most Effective Evangelistic Methodology
Dr. C. Peter Wagner, an expert in evangelism and church growth, stated, "The single most effective evangelistic methodology under heaven is planting new churches." Decades of research support this, showing that new churches are more effective than any other method of reaching new converts.
Planting Churches is the Biblical Pattern for Spreading the Gospel
When Jesus commissioned His disciples to spread the Gospel to all nations, they responded by planting churches wherever they went. This strategy turned the world upside down and continues to be the most effective means of spreading the Gospel today.
Corely, L. (2023, April 21). How Much Does it Cost Your Church to Reach One Person for Christ? Retrieved from https://lanecorley.com/: https://lanecorley.com/2015/04/21/how-much-does-it-cost-your-church-to-reach-one-person-for-christ/
Williams, M. A. (2015, August 11). The Top 10 Reasons To Plant New Churches Now. Retrieved from markalanwilliams.net: https://www.markalanwilliams.net/amp/2015/08/11/the-top-10-reasons-to-plant-new-churches-now